Tunnel Day

    The Austrian National Committee of the ITA (International Tunneling Association) organizes the Austrian Tunnel Day in conjunction with the Geomechanics Colloquium. The Tunnel Day focuses on presenting the latest state of the art of Austrian and international engineering concepts in design and construction.

    Recent creative developments in design, construction, and operating methods in tunnelling are presented.

    The application of those new design and construction concepts will promote further innovation in future tunnelling projects.

    14th Austrian Tunnel day 2024

    October 09th, 2024

    On Wednesday, October 09th, 2024, the 14th Austrian Tunnel day will take place.

    The sessions topics are:

    • 50 years of ITA
    • Major international projects 
    • Digitalization in tunnel construction
    • Field reports on new contract models
    • Presentation of new guidelines and standards for tunnel construction

    Participation is only possible in combination with the Geomechanics Colloquium.

    Tunnle Day program

    Submission Innovation price

    Here you can find information about participating in the competition: (only availabe in german)

    Innovationspreis Tunneltag

    Dinner at the fortress

    In the evening, a dinner will be held in the Hohensalzburg Fortress for the participants of the Tunnel Day (costs € 48 per person).

    Geomechanics Colloquium

    The annual Geomechanics Colloquium has developed as an important meeting point for experts in Central Europe. The event with the associated exhibition usually attracts over 900 participants annually, making it one of the largest annual events in the field of geomechanics worldwide.


    October 09th-10th, 2025


    Click here to go directly to the ISRM Congress and Geomechanics Colloquium 2023 page!

    74th Geomechanics Colloquium 2024

    October 09th-10th, 2025

    The sessions topics are:

    •  Intergenerational dialogue in geotechnics
    •  International Major Projects
    •  Hydraulic Underground Structures
    •  Constructive Aspects in Tunnel Construction

    Prior to the colloquium, the following workshops will take place on October 8th:

    • Sustainability in Infrastructure Construction
    • Generating Knowledge from Data
    • Segment Systems and Dimensioning

    Additional Information for Young Members:

    As in previous years, the "Joint Young Members Austria" invite young engineers (<35 years old) to a networking and exchange of experiences on the evening before the colloquium at Die Weiße https://www.dieweisse.at/de/; Oct. 08th, 2025,starting at 8:30 p.m.

    Please bring your J-YMA button as a means of identification.

    Important dates

    • Submission of abstracts 01/31/2025
    • Submission paper: 06/15/2025
    • Activation of registration: Middle/end of June
    • from August 1st 2025 higher registration fees!

    Here you can find the programm of the Geomechanics Colloquium

    Program Geomechanics Colloquium

    Submission of Contribution

    Generelle Information zum virtuellen Geomechanik Kolloquium

    Alle Vorträge werden als LIVE-Stream abgehalten. Vortragende, Teilnehmer und Halbtagsvorsitzende sind live.

    Fragen können via Chat von den Teilnehmern gestellt werden. Diese werden von den Halbtagsvorsitzenden koordiniert und an den Vortragenden mündlich gestellt, um diese nach dem Vortrag zu beantworten.

    Der Einstieg in das Webinar erfolgt über unsere Webseite und muss über die Browser Chrome oder Firefox erfolgen um eine gute Funktionalität zu gewährleisten.

    Nach der Anmeldung erhalten die Teilnehmer Ihre persönlichen Zugangsdaten (Anmeldecode), mit welchen sie sich ins Webinar einloggen können, sobald dieses freigeschalten ist.

    Alle Vorträge werden gespeichert und bleiben für angemeldete Teilnehmer (mit Zugangscode) auch nach dem Live-Stream noch bis Ende des Jahres abrufbar (nur Ton und Präsentation).

    Die Proceedings (Geomechanics and Tunnelling - Heft 5 und Heft 6 - für Miglieder inkludiert) zum virtuellen Geomechanik Kolloquium 2020 können gegen Aufpreis zusätzlich bestellt werden.

    Program survey

    The Tunnel Day and the Geomechanics Colloquium will take place from Wednesday, October 12th, 2022 to Saturday, October 15th, 2022

    Programm zum Downloaden

    Hier können Sie das Programmheft downloaden:

    More Information


    We are pleased to invite the participants and their companions to a concert on Thursday, October 09, 2025.

    Congress dinner

    Following the chamber concert, the Austrian Society for Geomechanics invites all participants and their accompanying persons to a Congress Dinner.
    Further information will be available soon.


    Field trips

    A field Trip are planned. Further information will be available soon.

    Field Trip Ebensee

    An excursion to the Ebensee pumped storage power plant is planned for Friday, Oct. 10th afternoon. Further information coming soon.

    Field Trip Brenner Base Tunnel

    An excursion to the Brenner Base Tunnel is planned for Wednesday, Oct. 08th

    The Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) is a straight, flat railway tunnel with a length of 55 km, running between Innsbruck (Austria) and Franzensfeste (Italy), making it a cross-border project of European significance. The BBT consists of two single-track tunnel tubes with a diameter of 8.1 meters, running at a distance of 40 to 70 meters apart. The two tubes are linked every 333 m by connecting side tunnels. A unique feature of the BBT is the continuous exploratory tunnel.

    The excursion begins at the modern BBT information center, “Tunnelwelten”, in Steinach am Brenner with a project presentation. Afterward, you will receive protective equipment (helmet, boots, etc.). You will then enter the tunnel via the access tunnel and have the opportunity to visit the cross cavern, the St. Jodok emergency stop, a cavern for the tunnel boring machines, the transfer station, and the Padastertal disposal site.



    October 8, 2025

    • 07:30 AM – Departure from Salzburg Congress – Start of the excursion
    • 10:00 AM – Arrival at the BBT Tunnelwelten in Steinach am Brenner
    • 10:30 AM – Project presentation
    • 11:30 AM – Lunch
    • 12:15 PM – Construction site visit
    • 03:00 PM – Departure from the construction site
    • 05:30 PM – Arrival at Salzburg Congress
    • End of excursion


    Important Notes:

    • Participation in a tunnel tour is at the sole risk and responsibility of the participants.
    • Minimum age: 18 years (16 years with an adult companion and parental consent).
    • A good state of health and physical fitness are required for participation.
    • Unfortunately, pregnant individuals and people with pacemakers cannot take part in the tour.

    Each participant will receive protective equipment (helmet, vest & boots).


    Sight Seeing Programm

    On Thursday, October 8th, we are offering accompanying persons the following social program:

    The Attersee is the largest lake in the Salzkammergut and, thanks to its turquoise blue water of drinking water quality, is one of the most popular bathing lakes in Austria. In addition to various sports opportunities, the region also offers numerous  attractions.

    First, our tour leads to the beautiful late Gothic parish church of Gampern, where you can admire one of the three most famous Gothic winged altars in Upper Austria.

    Then we go to Seewalchen where we visit the Gexi Tostmann traditional costume museum.

    Afterwards we enjoy a walk on the promenade with a view of the lake, passing Villa Paulick, a historic summer villa that is a listed building.

    A visit to the Klimt center in Schörfling, a walk on the Klimt theme trail, in the Klimt garden and a boat trip on Lake Attersee open up the Klimt trails and its impressive motifs on land and from the sea side.

    Of course, lunch as well as coffee and cake are also provided.


    Alle Beiträge werden dieses Jahr in der vom Vortragenden gewählten Sprache abgehalten. Eine Simultanübersetzung findet nicht statt. In den Proceedings finden Sie die Beiträge jeweils in englischer und deutscher Sprache.


    The conference languages for the tunnel day and the geomechanics colloquium are German and English.

    Simultaneous translations are available.

    You will find the headsets to the left of the entrance to the "Europa hall".

    More Information

    The registration form will be open in July!


    Proposed Fees Regular Member Retiree Student PhD Student
    GEOMECHANICS COLLOQUIUM (Early bird registration 01.03.2025 - 31.07.2025)  * 550 € 450 € 250 € 100 € 550 €
    GEOMECHANICS COLLOQUIUM (Standard price 01.08.2025 - 30.09.2025)  * 600 € 500 € 280 € 125 € 600 €
    GEOMECHANICS COLLOQUIUM (Walk in price 01.10.2025 - 15.10.2025)  * 650 € 550 € 330 € 175 € 650 €
    VIRTUAL COLLOQUIUM (Early bird registration 01.03.2024 - 31.07.2024)  * 190 € 150 € 125 € 0 € 190 €
    VIRTUAL COLLOQUIUM (Standard price 01.08.2024 - 30.09.2024)  * 220 € 180 € 150 € 0 € 220 €
    VIRTUAL COLLOQUIUM (Walk in price 01.10.2024 - 15.10.2024)  * 270 € 230 € 200 € 50 € 270 €
    TUNNEL DAY (Early bird registration 01.03.2024 - 31.07.2024)  * 185 € 185 € 185 € 30 € 185 €
    TUNNEL DAY (Standard price 01.08.2024 - 15.10.2024)  * 185 € 185 € 185 € 30 € 185 €
    DINNER FORTRESS  ** 48 € 48 € 48 € 48 € 48 €
    VIRTUAL TUNNEL DAY (Early bird registration 01.03.2024 - 31.07.2024)  * 100 € 100 € 100 € 0 € 100 €
    VIRTUAL TUNNEL DAY (Standard price 01.08.2024 - 30.09.2024)  * 100 € 100 € 100 € 0 € 100 €
    VIRTUAL TUNNEL DAY (Walk in price 01.10.2024 - 15.10.2024)  * 150 € 150 € 150 € 20 € 150 €
    EXCURSION Werfen  * 100 € 100 € 100 € 100 € 100 €
    * incl. 10% VAT
    ** incl. 20% VAT

    The proceedings are printed in issue 5 of our association magazine "Geomechanik und Tunnelbau". Members receive this automatically.

    The Austrian Tunnel Day can only be booked in combination with the Geomechanics Colloquium!

    The price includes:

    The participation fee includes participation in the conference and the exhibition, the conference bag, the lunch buffet, the congress dinner and the chamber concert on Thursday.

    "Students" (reduced participation fee) are persons under the age of 26 years, without a regular salary – except doctoral students! The certificate of studies has to be added.

    Your name badge (participant card) and all other conference documents are only available at the conference desk in the congress center (NO participant documents will be sent!).


    The Geomechanics Colloqium and the Tunnel Day will be held in the congress center "Salzburg Congress" (Auerspergstraße 6, 5020 Salzburg, entrance Mirabellgarten), which is located close to the city center.

    Salzburg is known worldwide for its beautiful old town and its cultural offerings.

    Program overview

    All lectures will be held as a LIVE stream. Lecturers, participants and session chairs are live.

    Questions of participants can be asked via chat. These are coordinated by the session chairmen and  passed on orally to the lecturer, to be able to respond them after the presentation.

    The webinar can be started via our website and must be done using the Chrome or Firefox browser to ensure good functionality.

    After registration, the participants will receive their personal access data (registration code) with which they are able log in to the webinar as soon as it is activated.

    All presentations are saved and remain available for registered participants (with access code) even after the live stream until the end of the year (sound and presentation only).

    Proceedings (Geomechanics and Tunneling - Issue 5 and Issue 6 - for members included) of the Virtual Geomechanics Colloquium 2020 can be ordered additionally for small fee.

    The geomechanics colloquium and the tunnel day will be held in the "Salzburg Congress" congress center (Auerspergstraße 6, 5020 Salzburg, Mirabellgarten entrance), which is located near the city center.

    Salzburg is a household name worldwide due to its beautiful old town and cultural offerings.

    Download Program

    Here you can download the Conference Programm

    More Information


    All contributions will be held this year in the language chosen by the lecturer. There is no simultaneous translation. In the proceedings you will find the articles in English and German.


    The organizer of the Geomechanics Colloquium

    Austrian Society for Geomechanics

    Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 67
    5020 Salzburg
    Tel: +43 662 875519
    Mobil: +43 664 8128990
    E-Mail: salzburg@oegg.at
    Web: oegg.at

    More informationen tho the society you can find here.